Saturday, November 12

Mickey Mouse's House of Rock!

Snip Snap has a CRUSH on Minnie!
Soooo, who thinks this guy is good-looking no matter what he wears. (Me? Guilty as charged!)   Well I think Mr. “Good-looking” deserves a name; I think that name will be David. (Hi David!!!) I’ve seen all sorts of “Street Trends” amongst men but, David’s is VERY unique to me. (Umm, what do you mean?) Think about it, how often would you find MEN wearing PINK Mickey Mouse hoodies with Police Aviators? (Answer: Umm, on the 33th of January.) Despite his odd fashions, David STILL looks amazing; I mean he looks like an underwear model for Hanes FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!

(Off Topic.) I wonder what Mickey is playing on David’s hoodie. Could it be a B.B. King Masterpiece or is it an Ozzy Osbourne Nightmare? (Answer: Neither, it’s a Solo Mickey Air-Guitar Special.) Regardless of what he’s playing, it looks like he’s jamming, and I WANT TO JAM WITH HIM! (Weird Thought.) You know, I’m starting to imagine that David is probably who Mickey Mouse would look like if he were human. (What???) With those looks, he’d have ALL the ladies in love and EVERY man jealous. (Speaking of “jealous”) wonder how Mickey’s wife Minnie would feel? You’d think she’d get jealous but I beg to differ. She might feel turned on by a “REAL MAN”. (Okay, enough thinking, and back to the Topic.)

I want to play a little game. (I LOVE GAMES!) The name of the game is called, “Guess What David’s Doing?” (Here we go.) Okay, my guess at what David’s doing is that he’s rushing out to a party that he’s late for, and with the way he’s grabbing his collar, it looks like he’s a “Man on a Mission”. (Operation: Party-Crasher.) I’ll bet that David’s “Mission” is to “Infiltrate” the party “Incognito” to obtain TOP SECRET FILES from a safe in the attic of a mansion. (Umm, can you say Farfetched?) The only catch is that David MUST wear is this coat and sunny glasses. (Now can you say MISSION IMPOSSIBLE?) Okay game over, David I REALLY LIKE your outfit and I think it deserves two thumbs up.

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